A.all of the above it is correct
The correct answer is E.
void change(int ar[], int low, inthigh) {
int temp;
if(low< high) { <em>// here ask if the positions low and high of the array are the same.</em>
temp= ar[low]; <em>// first, saves the element on ar[low] in temp.</em>
ar[low]= ar[high]; <em>// second, the element on ar[high] in ar[low]. First switch.</em>
ar[high]= temp; <em>// third, saves the element on temp in ar[high]. Complete switch.</em>
change(ar,low + 1, high - 1); <em>// Recursive call, adding one position to low, and subtracting one position to high. </em><em>Important: </em><em>When low and high have the same value, the recursive call will finish.</em>
Result: Switch the lower half of elements in the array with the upper half.
D. All are true.
All the given statements about CAD are true.
My best guess would be a biker they love motor bike they wear leather jackets and ride in groups this is the only thing i could think of
~ thanks ~
The United Nations currently recognizes 180 currencies that are used in 195 countries across the world the United States dollar is a popular currency and about 66 countries either peg their currency to the US dollar or use it as their currency