Punic Wars, also called Carthaginian Wars, (264–146 bce), a series of three wars between the Roman Republic and the Carthaginian (Punic) empire, resulting in the destruction of Carthage, the enslavement of its population, and Roman hegemony over the western Mediterranean.
It was extramly dangerous to travel by wagon, there was the threat of bandits, native american tribes, and Buffalo, plus added diseases and weather conditions, when the train was invented and used for civilian use after the American civil war, railways were built from the east and mid-west to the west, they were deamed more safe and it was a faster way to travel
Answer: There isn´t a specific type of government official that feared Censorate, since it all depended on how censors behaved, which is why there is a mixed opinion, with some tales talking about benevolent and honorable censors, while others accepted bribes and extorted government officials.
We can say that Korea is the country where government officials feared censors the most, since the king´s influence was weak and the aristocracy was very strong, so censors became very critic with the monarchy.