The Taj Mahal was built during the Mughal rule in India.
The boxers targeted foreigners and their culture, if they were attacking Christians solely on that aspect we can assume the Boxers labeled the Christians as foreignness
Everything except camping and every American owns a car
Each group valued Minnesota's natural resources such as land and rivers for a different purpose. The Dakota used natural resources as a source of livelihood.
European Americans, on the other hand, aimed to use Minnesota's natural resources as a way to establish properties on the fertile frontier.
Therefore, the Dakota Indian group had a deep connection to the land of Minnesota, using its resources to support its community through fishing and hunting.
European American settlers, on the other hand, were interested in transforming the land into a state with the implementation of trade and property to generate wealth.
The Dakota were then threatened and forced to cede their Minnesota lands by signing treaties in 1851.
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