Dear Johnny, I didn't appreciate it when you pushed me down in the hallway at school. Especially when you starting kicking me in my ribcage (pretty sure you cracked a few) I also hated the incredible humiliation I went through as you kicked me without ceasing. I know your mad at me for telling the teachers that you cheated on my homework, but I had to do it. I mean either I was going to take the blame or it was gonna be you. And we both know I can't get into Harvard with a criminal record. I guess I'm just trying to say that I'm sorry. Not for ratting you out though, I'm sorry that you have become this type of person, this bully if you will. You''ll never get anywhere by beating me up every chance you get.
Your old friend, Matt.
(Hope this helped dude)
Mr. Huskinsson was unable to dodge the upcoming locomotive engine becuase it was coming with very high speed and he was completely unaware from it.
Mr. William Huskinsson was one the Members of Parliament of Liverpool. On 15th September, 1850 he crossed Northumbria with his own carriage, on the same day the Prime Minister of Liverpool, Duke Wellington gave green signal to several locomotive engines for the first time including the engine named Rocket driven by Joseph Locke, the Rocket crossed the Northumbria at the same time and badly damaged one leg of Mr. Huskinsson. Huskinsson was badly injured from that accident and died later that day. A team of Doctors tried to give him advanced treatment but they were unable to save him and Mr. Wellington passed away. This incident went viral and caused of large gathering and procession in between the railway tracks against the government and their carelessness.
The answer is "Religious Liberty"
In 1870, Hiram Revels of Mississippi became the first African American senator. Five years later, Blanche K. Bruce of Mississippi took the oath of office. It would be nearly another century, 1967, before Edward Brooke of Massachusetts followed in their historic footsteps.
Made it illegal to bring in foreign corn - to make sure people bought British crops and allowed landowners to put their prices up.