Many of these were financed by "Wildcat" banks.
Well the letters from the civil war would show us what kind of condition the slaves we’re living in how hard it much have been and, for the women who and sons and husbands who were fighting in the war and how hard that must have been for them to deal with. Historians regard these letters as an important primary source for that time period because there isn’t much to go off of and letters shows a direct point of view of what had happened during that time and how slaves and most likely how women were treated like. (I suck at saying this but does it make sense?)
Jonathan Edwards.
In 1741, he preached "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." where he preached that Hell is real and terrible.
Something Just Like This is about a relationship that doesn't need to be superhumanly perfect, an ordinary love, a love everyone deserves like the boy on the cover art whose childhood memories are now boxed up. Coldplay is one of our biggest inspirations and this song was an absolute dream come true to make.
Plants that once were only found in the America’s account for 1/3 of the worlds food supply today.