Bio accumulation of DDT lead to bird eggs with weak shells and non viable offspring. The lethal effects of DDT on birds was first noted in 1950; scientists discovered that earthworm was accumulating the DDT pesticide and that the robins that were preying on the earthworms were been poisoned. Further research revealed that the chemical cause thinning of the egg shell and production of non viable offspring. The chemical has since been banned in USA.
Each protein with a specific structure and function
The unique three dimensional shape of proteins is based on several superimposed levels of structure
Proteins are essential nutrients for human and a vital source of fuel for building body tissues. They are made up of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds. These amino acids act as precursor to nucleic acids, hormones, immune, repair of tissues among others.
Proteins contain 20 amino acids which are the building block for proteins. These amino acids can be reformed to create millions of protein in human body in which each protein has specific structure and function.
The three dimensional arrangement of atoms in an amino acid chain is know as the protein structure. The precise shape formed determine the protein function.
There were no choices provided. But there is a related research about this situation.
Risk factors of influenza transmission in households
<span>>Reasons for increased transmission from children
</span> The research pointed three causes.
1. Children are more exposed to different people in different places. their households, peers in schools and other children.
2. Children especially preschools are said to have lower immunity which makes them prone and catching influenza.
3. Lastly, viral shedding among children can alleviate and spread period of infection.
A mutation that cause changes to short stretches of nucleotides. These mutations affect the specific genes that provide instructions for various functional molecules, including protein . changes in these molecules can have impact on any number of an organism's physical characteristics
Humans obtain nitrogen by eating other organisms.