The appropriate response is Wood. Wood cutting is a type of carpentry by methods for a cutting apparatus in one hand or an etch by two hands or with one hand on an etch and one hand on a hammer, bringing about a wooden figure or puppet, or in the sculptural ornamentation of a wooden protest. The expression may likewise allude to the completed item, from singular models to hand-worked moldings making part out of a tracery.
Amelia Bloomer became the editor of the first woman's newspaper, The Lily. Bloomer lived in Seneca Falls, New York and became an outspoken advocate of women's rights, dress reform, and temperance susan B. Anthony is the most widely known suffragist of her generation and has become an icon of the woman’s suffrage movement. Anthony traveled the country to give speeches, circulate petitions, and organize local women’s rights organizations.
Approximately 350,000 American women joined the military during World War II. They worked as nurses, drove trucks, repaired airplanes, and performed clerical work to free up men for combat.
Many women also left the homestead to work in factories during the war, producing many of the resources that were in dire need to the country during the time.