1. Environmental Scanning. Environmental scanning is the process of gathering, organizing and analyzing information. ...
2. Strategy Formulation. ...
3. Strategy Implementation. ...
4. Strategy Evaluation.
C. The viewing area of a web browser.
The viewport is the user's visible area of a web page.
The ribbon is a set of toolbars at the top of the window in Office programs designed to help you quickly find the commands that you need to complete a task. Sometimes the ribbon can get hidden and it's hard to find. The quickest way to show the ribbon is to click on any visible tab, like Home<span>, </span>Insert<span> or </span>Design<span>. You might also want to hide the ribbon to maximize screen space.</span>
1. Option 3
2. Option 2
3. Option 3
Answer: I dont really know but im guessing it depends on the type of assignment you have. im thinking True.