The sun is the biggest PLANET in our solar system.
Thomas Hunt Morgan, who studied fruit flies, provided the first strong confirmation of the chromosome theory. Morgan discovered a mutation that affected fly eye color. ... Based on the inheritance pattern, Morgan concluded that the eye color gene must be located on the X chromosome.
C. Molecules such as cyclins are in high concentration in the cytoplasm of a dividing cell and will signal the fused cells nucleus to undergo mitosis
Various stages of the cell cycle are under tight regulation. Specific proteins such as cyclins and cyclin-dependent protein kinases determine if the cell would progress from one stage of the cell cycle to the next. When a cell is in the metaphase, the cyclins specific for mitosis are present in a higher amount in the cell. These cyclins bind to the specific CDKs and activate them.
The activated CDKs then phosphorylate proteins that make the cell to move through various stages of mitosis. Therefore, fusing a G1 cell with a cell in metaphase of mitosis would trigger mitosis in the G1 cell due to the presence of mitosis specific cyclins in the second cell.
She was an English chemist and x ray crystallographer who made contributions to the understanding of the molecular structures of DNA,RNS,viruses,coal, and graphite<span />