The Watergate break-in started when a group of men, known as the "plumbers," broke into the Democratic headquarters. They were arrested for this break-in.
Shortly after this two reporters from the Washington Post (Woodward and Bernstein) found that the current US president, Richard Nixon, might have been involved in ordering this break-in. Their confidential source provided details on how Nixon was involved.
Nixon denied these claims. However, a full scale investigation was launched. During this investigation, the court ordered Nixon to hand over recorded conversations from his office in the White House. He refused, was brought to court, and the Supreme Court ruled that he must turn over the recorded conversations.
These tapes showed Nixon's guilty, causing him to resign shortly after the court case.
Strom Thurmond and the Dixiecrats used ideas of freedom to justify their positions on civil rights and race by advocating states' rights. Since the government at the time was giving minorities more rights, the Dixiecrats argued that the federal government should let the states be free to make their own individual policies. This would also let businesses be free to hire whomever they choose.
The Bottom of the Heap. At the bottom of the social structure were slaves and farmers. Slavery became the fate of those captured as prisoners of war. In addition to being forced to work on building projects, slaves toiled at the discretion of the pharaoh or nobles.