Hallucination has five syllables which are hal-lu-ci-na-tion.
The primary syllable it goes like ha-lu-ci-na-tion. na is the primary syllable.
The secondary syllable is ha-lu-ci-na-tion where the secondary syllable is lu.
Its pronunciation is huh-loo-suh-ney-shun.
a dream is one its synonym with one syllable.
For attracting insects for pollination
Answer: Gathered food was stored
Explanation: An important characteristic of the earliest permanent human settlements was that gathered food was stored. This allowed the settlements to survive better through harsh times, such as the winter. Also, by storing food less, hunters were needed for the settlement, and individuals began to focus and learn other trades to advance with civilization.
<em><u>Climate is an important environmental influence on ecosystems. Changing climate affects ecosystems in a variety of ways. For instance, warming may force species to migrate to higher latitudes or higher elevations where temperatures are more conducive to their survival.</u></em></h2>
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The p53 protein is a tumor suppressor protein used for regulation of cells. if there is a mutation in the p53 protein it will no longer serve its original tumor suppressive function. so, cells that show unwanted tumor traits will not be able to get regulated by p53 so the tumor cell will continue to divide uncontrollably