having a damaged reputation
discredited means to lose your respectability.
Using context clues, why would the witness have left the courtroom in humiliation? It can't be because they have good judgment or that they were honorable. That leaves "sorrowful" and "having a damaged reputation." Having a damaged reputation is more tied to humiliation, but if you didn't pick up on that, credited means of respect and the opposite most closely means having a damaged rep.
This is from Romeo and Juliette, Act 1 Scene 1. In this part of the
scene, Romeo explains to his cousin Benvolio that he's in love with a
girl named Rosaline, that she is beautiful and smart. However, he tells
Benvolio that she doesn't have the same feelings for him and that she's
sworn to live a life of chastity, which causes Romeo to "despair".
I would say that Historical Events, Manuals, and Biographies are typically in chronological order.
B. to inform readers about the cultural and historical significance of honey