The study of your brain and mental illnesses and understanding how the brain functions.
c my brotha y'w prob alr took da quiz
<h3>Anthrax is an uncommon, but deadly, disease produced by Bacillus anthracis, a spore-forming bacterium.</h3>
- Anthrax bacteria usually enter the body through a skin wound. You can have become infected if you intake tainted meat or inhale the spores.
- ID50, the number of microorganisms needed to create a demonstrable infection by 50 percent.
- The ID50 for cutaneous anthrax attributable to Bacillus anthracis is 10-50 endospores, while the ID50 for inhalation anthrax is 10,000 to 20,000 endospores.
- Ciprofloxacin is the alternative treatment for anthrax when mutated forms are identified. It is suggested for post- inhalation anthrax.
it the tundra
its because it wide and open and has cold air