I believe that Patty appears to suffer from Aneroxia Nervosa. This is an eating disorder characterized by persistent energy intake restriction, intense fear of gaining weight and disturbances in self perceived weight or shape like with Patty.This sometimes happens when some people are restricting their food and weight as a way of controlling areas of life that feel out of their control and their body image.
You can put wind energy propellers on the front of your car. This would be effective, as the high speed of the car would increase the rate of energy produced.
You could also have a metal rod slightly scraping the ground, and take the heat generated by friction to produce energy.
Hope this helps!
The fossil record of Antarctica shows the presence of tropical plants, such as one particular species related to the present day breadfruit. Most plants cannot survive in prolonged temperatures of less than 6 degrees Celsius. Antarctica is freezing all year round and could only have supported tropical and sub tropical plants if it was once much closer to the equator.
The presence of fresh water species also suggest that the continent was closer to the equator. Antarctica is frozen solid with a thick ice sheet.....rivers would be frozen solid all year round or would be limited to water movement under glaciers that melt as a result of pressure and friction. This environment is not suitable to support large fresh water organisms.
Polysaccharides are large molecules formed from chains of POLYMERS linked together by glyosidic bonds. <u>MONOMERS are small sub units that formed polymers, they are therefore the building block of a polysaccharides. The monomers of polysaccharides are called monosaccharid</u>es (1 sugar molecule.) when two of these are joined together they formed disaccharides (two sugars.)
Polysaccharides are fromed by joining together condensation, (loss of water molecules,) of mutiple monosaccharides units and the reversal of this to add water molecules to sepate them to monosaccharies is sugar Hydrolysis.
Example of polysaccharides are starch, glycogen cellulose
Example of monosaccharides are glucose, galactose.
Disaccharides are common table sugar, sucrose, maltose, lactose