You can tell that the costumer is impatient and appears to be after what they are looking for.
December 31, year 9
Here, we want to state that date that is possible for Milo to acquire qualified replacement property.
In order to avoid being taxed on a gain resulting from an involuntary conversion, the property subject to the conversion must be replaced within a specified time, measured from the end of the calendar year in which the proceeds are received.
Generally, the period is 2 years, but it is 3 years when the involuntary conversion results from government condemnation or eminent domain and is extended to 4 years when the loss is in connection with a declared federal disaster area.
We are told from the question that Milo received the recovery on January 2, Year 5, the property would have to be replaced within 4 years from the end of Year 5 or by December 31, Year 9
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Exit the roadway. Hope this helps!