Although times have changed, and technology and science have made life "easier", the truth is that as we advance, we see teenagers and young people taking unnecessary risks, even though now they have all the knowledge they could want on why those risks are so dangerous for them.
Taking statistical data from different agencies, some of the risky behaviors that teenagers and young people are now being more frequently exposed to, are:
1. Unprotected sexual behavior: There has bee plenty of education on the issue and the importance of protection during intercourse, and still teenagers do not take that seriously. We are seeing increases in teenage pregnancies and sexually transmittable diseases
2. Alcohol intake: Youn people today consume as much, if not more, alcohol than in ages past. The reason is that alcohol promotes adaptation and an easier socialization, because it relaxes.
3. Drugs: We are seeing more and more teenagers involved not just in hardcore drugs, like cocaine, but also in recreational drugs.
4. Tobacco: Today smoking for young people is synonymous with being part of the group, so we see a lot of people doing this, even if they may have never been inclined to otherwise.
5. Risky dietary behaviors: Young people are becoming not just prone to such conditions as anorexia, but also, they are engaging more and more in extremely dangerous diets that place their health at risk.
6. Inadequate physical activities: Young people today have become so obsessed with the use of the virtual world, that they seldom see the need for outside activities, especially sports and exerise. This is why there has been such a rise in obesity and metabolic, and body conditions, tied to lack of exercise