Los nómadas viven en un entorno más cambiante ya que la propia definición de nómada es de una persona que se mueve constantemente de lugar de residencia.
Esto debido a que los nómadas son cazadores y recolectores, aunque algunos también son pastoralistas, y otros ocasionalmente practican algo de agricultura. Los nómadas necesitan cambiar de lugar de residencia en el momento en que los recursos naturales que necesitan se agotan en un lugar específico.
Las personas sedentarias en cambio, basan su alimentación en la agricultura, y tienden con el tiempo a construir civilizaciones. Como la agricultura permanente requiere de un gran cuidado, éstas personas necesitan vivir cerca a sus cultivos con el fin de poder sembrarlos, mantenerlos, y cosecharlos.
I would say “chaos is a friend of mine” because i always get myself into trouble and everything turns into chaos
Thomas Paine arrived in the American colonies in 1774, as the conflict between aggrieved colonists and Britain was reaching its height. After the Battles of Lexington and Concord in 1775, Paine argued that the colonists' cause should be not just a revolt against taxation but a demand for independence.
the steam ingion let martials quickly travel throw-out the unit states by train. it was much cheaper and less phycal labor.
The main argument made in the passage about Timur's empire is about developing farmlands and railroad tracks which contributed in the world war period.
Railroads will be a major advantage in transporting many things to the battlefield, trains could carry things like food, armor, artillery and etc. This gives a huge advantage to one side by get supplied easily without making it a big hassle, they helped contribute to an advantage on one side of a war because it was an easy way to grow food for the soldiers. Farmlands could produce a lot of food especially by keeping away soldiers from starving of food. Farmlands need not to worry about the food in feeding the soldiers