The Anti federalists arguments lead jump to them adding a bill of rights to the US Constitution.
these nuts on your chin and your grandma
Puerto Rico, which became an American protectorate under the Treaty of Paris, was very poor. US troops were welcomed in 1898, and the Puerto Ricans greatest hopes were for increased rights and a better economy.
It's C, because feds are for the, powerful big federal union centralized "american" national government.
This contradicts D, so it can not be D, since feds were NOT the kind of people to say. "Hey stop !!! The American government is bullying my Virginia." No virigina does not have soveringy in the eyes of feds. The USA is the powerful nation holding the states - The alliance of states is stronger than the individual power of states.
It's important to recognize that some colonists and early Americans did not see them selves as together as one. " We are not Americans as a nation, but only a region." Like Europe with all their different states and nations.
It also says all past " But if the union...." Obvious for what I think.