More hostile
"The present rulers of the Soviet Union have shown that they are willing to use this power to destroy the free nations and win domination over the whole world." Shows how Truman now views the soviet rulers as 'hostile' and thus, can't be trusted. This is a shift from 1946 where the tone was more 'soft'
Los cambios estructurales restringen las estrategias competitivas existentes de varios participantes en las aglomeraciones urbanas de gran escala, y tienen efectos importantes y contradictorios sobre la base económica, la especialización funcional, el mercado laboral y su organización territorial, su rápida expansión superficial y nuevos contrastes internos. Este artículo revisa primero teóricamente los cambios económicos y espaciales que afectan al espacio metropolitano, y luego analiza la evolución reciente de Madrid, los cambios en la ubicación de las diferentes actividades y las nuevas formas de desigualdad.
A) Fear of the spread of communism.
its not a good thing to have slaves in America OR IN ANY STATE because it could lead to fighting and possibly to world war 3. If I were a slave I would maybe kick some a**. If I weren´t then I might start a partion or a riot. (yes i
know am evil) If we were to go back to the old days then POSSIBLY the past before can become the present. If the past became the present then who knows what will happen.
They might feel justified because of the principle of nullification. They believe it is unconstitutional, so they have the right to disobey. hopefully this was helpful