The answer is "Confidentiality"
Confidentiality alludes to shielding data from being gotten to by unapproved parties. All in all, solitary the individuals who are approved to do so can access delicate information. Imagine your bank records, You ought to have the option to get to them obviously, and representatives at the bank who are assisting you with an exchange ought to have the option to get to them, yet nobody else ought to. An inability to keep up Confidentiality implies that somebody who shouldn't have access has figured out how to get it, through deliberate act or coincidentally. Such a disappointment of Confidentiality, normally known as a breach can't be helped. When the secret has been uncovered, it is highly unlikely to un-uncover it.
Assuming your bank records are posted on a public site, everybody can realize your bank account number, balance, and so forth, and that data can't be eradicated from their brains, papers, PCs, and different spots. Virtually all the significant security occurrences reported in the media today include loss of Confidentiality.
Thus, in summary, a breach of Confidentiality implies that somebody accesses data who shouldn't be permitted to.
We can protect the server from the modification by using the non root users in many ways as follows:
- By modifying the PHP settings in the server and by using the configured file as, the configuration of the file is basically depend upon the linux and the PHP script.
- By disabling the URL from the function of file handling that basically accept the local file as the parameters but it also accept the URL. It can even now get to outer destinations by utilizing fsockopen or any of the CURL capacities.
- The safe mode of PHP is presumably probably the best alternative to secure your server however it very well may be prohibitive. Whenever initiated, experimental mode averts access to records not claimed by Apache and access to condition factors and execution of double projects are likewise debilitated.
I can't even say this is an answer
If there isn't a specific answer for this, I think it depends on everyone. Maybe they'd behave better knowing that their actions are being monitored. Who in their right mind is going to act like a lunatic when they know people are watching.
I think it will most likely alter their attitude in a positive way but it will also most likely be fake actions put on show