An emergency fund is an account that is used to set aside funds that will be needed in the event of a personal financial dilemma. The size of one emergency fund depends on one's income, dependants and lifestyle. It is recommended that one put aside at least three months worth of expenses.In the question given above, the monthly expenses is $2000.00, so the person has to put away at least $2000 * 3 months, which is equal to $6000.00.
I believe the answer is Location Targeting.
Location targeting help advertisers to provide appropriate advertising that is relevant to the people that live in a certain location.
For example, an advertisement for sunblock products would be much more efficient if it's advertised to the people that live near the beach such as Miami.
c. Accountability
This is known as accountability. In other words its making sure that you are holding yourself accountable for doing what you need to do and making sure that your efforts are not for nothing. This is done by staying on top of your choices and adjusting your decisions so that the money and time you invest are paying off with and pushing you towards the goals that you have set forth.
Affective Stage
Affective stage is the most important stage for the market that helps in understanding the customer feeling that how much customer has been attached for a particular brand and from this the market always check that the customer requirement with some strong levels i.e. price, quantity, and quality, etc. for a particular product from which the customer has been attached since long.