The diagram that best represents the transports of cellular molecules by osmosis is D
They are viewed as a high risk because those 4 years are the toughest. Pressure is real, girl. Kids will do anything to be "popular"
and hormones are HIGH.
Boys are changing, getting more muscular.
Girls are getting thicker, growing breast and everything.
Everyone is getting attracted to each other, and some don't think about the consequences that will happen if they fall through.
Pyramid of Number
Pyramid of Biomass
The answer is eardrum (or tympanic membrane).
As sound waves enter the ear, they travel through the outer ear to the eardrum. By striking the eardrum, it begins to vibrate. Sound vibration is transmitted to the hammer (malleus), then to the incus and stapes. Stapes vibration moves the oval window and it is passed onto cochlea. The cochlea contains the receptor organ of hearing which translates the sound vibration into impulses which are then sent to the brain.
The various stages in meiotic - prophase 1 are as follows - 1. Leptotene or Leptonema - Chromosomes are visible and they appear as beaded structures. ... Pachytene or Pachynema - Chromosomes remain paired up at points called chiasmata. Exchange of genetic material occurs between two non-sister chromatids.