Even after a property goes into foreclosure, it is still possible for the borrower to reclaim the property as long as they produ
ce the outstanding mortgage balance and all foreclosure costs incurred to that point. In some states this right may even extend beyond the date of the foreclosure sale. When this occurs, this right is more commonly referred to as:A. Equitable redemption B. Statutory redemption
C. Strategic default
D. Substantive default
Equitable redemption is referred to as or known as right of the defaulting mortgagor in order to reclaim the property thus by paying the due mortgage payments that were due in the past any time prior to the foreclosure. This equity of the redemption is also referred to as the right of mortgagor under the law inn order to redeem his/her property at time when debt that is secured by mortgage is discharged.
It is important to give people attention and seek to understand when people ask questions so that the question asker feels valued and the listener can better help the asker.
Because he used to speak Ukrainian but has forgotten about it, he may not do well in a comprehension test. But if he takes lessons, some of his memory may come back, allowing him to learn quickly.