Cheating on your home work
Smh ♀️ I’m calling the school
Biomass might literally mean a biological mass, but it actually denotes sources that are burned to produce energy. Biomass is considered a renewable energy source. The primary one that has been used for thousands of years is wood; it is still widespread in many primitive areas and it is burned in old and new burners. Biofuels like ethanol from crops is another important source that has been on a rise. They are cheap and they are used a lot in developing countries. Finally, the burning of municipal waste is another source and many Nordic countries use it to produce energy and even some import waste to use as fuel.
D. Bacteria
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria found in both the soil and root nodules of leguminous plants fix nitrogen into a form that can be used by plants.
Pure H2O is absolutely necessary for all living cells. Almost all water that you are likely to consume, even what we consider to be "fresh water," contains ions (salts); however, many of these ions are also crucial for life (K+, Na+, Cl-, Ca2++ and N3- are some examples) and are non-toxic in the levels present in tap water, streams, lakes, etc. At high concentrations, like the concentration of sodium, chlorides and others found at sea, many of these ions and their compounds are toxic and can result in illness and even death.
<span>In response to high serum (blood) levels of various ions your body will simply try to pee them out. Drinking large volumes of seawater results in dehydration because the body uses more H2O trying to flush the salt out of your blood stream than it is able to retain. Drinking a small amount of salt water most likely will not hurt you, especially if you are already hydrated.</span>