“Non-self” materials have proteins and other substances on their surfaces that the body doesn't recognize, called antigens.

To change the ÷ sign to a × sign, swap the denominators and the numerators of the second fraction.
Directly multiply. Numerators with numerators and denominators with denominators.
c-hormonal hyperplasia
When there is increase in the number of cells and tissues that appear normal under the microscope,Hyperplasia is said to occur.If these occur in cells of an endocrine gland of a system,then it is refers to as hormonal hyperplasia.
Therefore during pregnancy,the proliferation of the glandular epithelium in a pregnant woman (and at puberty in a females are examples of hormonal hyperlasia.
Its possible causes are;
a surge in local production s of growth factors,
In the numbers of growth factors receptors on the cells receptive to the factors,
and due to activation of specific intrancellular signalling pathways.
1/1024 is the proportion of the F2 genotypes will be recessive for all five loci
When crossing between both parents, all genotypes will give us 100% AaBcCcDdEe. When a self-fertilization is performed this means that it can have a cross for example of two flowers of the same plant with the genotype AaBcCcDdEe In this way, given the law of independent segregation which states that the alleles of two or more different genes are distributed in the gametes independently of each other. The proportion that at this junction the alleles are aa (1/4) bb (1/4) cc (1/4) dd (1/4) and ee (1/4). The proportions (1/4)* (1/4)*(1/4)*(1/4)*(1/4) are multiplied, obtaining a value of 1/1024
ik been boter ham man en appel en melk ;-$