First and foremost, the hotel personnel must apologize. It the responsibility of the hotel to ensure quality service. Regardless the situation or whose fault the relocation is, the hotel must acknowledge the inconvenience the guest is experiencing.
To compensate for the trouble, here are some things that hotel personnel can do:
1. Make sure to arrange another accommodation ready to receive the guest (with free transportation, free one-night stay if needed to be relocated to another hotel).
*Offer the expected room for the guest the next day if it's already available.
2. Explain and apologize for a relocation. Assure that the hotel is doing its best to make up for the inconvenience.
3. Offer discount and freebies to guest that checks-in late so a relocation won’t have to happen.
A Maya city from the Classic Period usually consisted of a series of stepped platforms topped by masonry structures, ranging from great temple-pyramids and palaces to individual house mounds. These structures were in turn arranged around broad plazas or courtyards.