Lex talionis means treating the criminals in the way the criminals treated the victims. In means giving the same sufferings to others as others have caused them suffering.
This principle is not plausible because according to Nathanson, it will make us to act in an immoral way with others. We cannot hijack the hijacker's plane because they did to us. We cannot spy on others because others are spying on us. Nathanson objected the principle because he believes that it is not possible to measure sufferings of others as different people suffered differently. So we cannot bring equal suffering.
(A). Determine the productivity standards for each area and job function.
A Service Supervisor supervises, directs, and trains the service staff of a organization, they also investigate and settle concerns about the goods and services.
In-service training is a personal and professional training practice for workers to enhance their professional work performance, capacity, knowledge and motivation.
The Director of the Health Information Services Department determined an in-service for department supervisors on improving productivity levels in their respective areas is needed. As an outcome of this in-service, the director would like the supervisors to understand that when setting productivity levels, a supervisor must "Determine the productivity standards for each area and job function".
The in service training was aimed at teaching the supervisors the importance of setting productivity Levels, and what is expected from them.
They are called terrace housing