The molecule shown below is a molecule that is generally termed as the energy currency molecule of the cell, and that is ATP.
The components of it include:
1. Adenine nitrogenous base, the far left
2.Ribose, sugar the same sugar found in RNA molecules, middle.
3. Triphosphate - 3 covalently bound phosphate groups ready to split apart as they don't typically like being bonded in that manner, due to charges on phosphate, being negatively charged.
Dung beetles lives in the animal dung and take nutrients from the undigested substances present in the dung. This dung is mixed with the soil by the beetle to increase the fertility of the soil. These nutrients is taken by plants with water through roots and makes their food in the form of carbohydrate from it in the process of photosynthesis. This carbohydrate is stored in different parts of plant body.
Answer: Aristotle and Ptolemy had both assumed each planet is attached to a single sphere, but geometers and astronomers could employ a number of such spheres to generate the observed motions of the planets.
Exocrine glands are the name of the gland that transports secretions through ducts