Christopher columbus in 1492.
The whom did the nobles give some of their lands?
To Vassals
freeways, skyscrapers, large populations, and smog are all words used to help describe what an urban area is like.
Farming describes what it sounds like, farm land.
Recreational land may define something like parks and ponds
Rural areas are like the suburbs of large cities and small towns.
Urban areas are big cities like New York and Miami.
How have modern ethnic and nationalist disputes caused conflict?
--> Many ethnic conflicts are rooted in a specific kind of nationalism, in which the sense of belonging to a nation-state is defined purely by ethnicity. This makes ethnic minorities outsiders within the nation-state, and violence is often the result.
How has terrorism affected the world?
--> The breakdown of controls in the former Soviet empire has complemented the larger global trends by opening up even more operating areas for transnational terrorists, especially Middle Eastern extremists. The emergence of the conflict in Chechnya as a new jihad has accelerated this trend.
What were the major causes of genocide in the twentieth century?
--> One of the main causes was Nazi racial ideology. The Nazis thought Jews and Romas were 'racially inferior' to the German people. Millions of Jews were murdered under the Nazi regime, as well as tens of thousands of Romas. Because the genocides occurred during World War II, the Nazi regime was able to kill many people from many different countries, including Poland, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, the Soviet Union, France, and Romania.