Nevertheless, the Revolution had momentous consequences. ... It created the United States. It transformed a monarchical society, in which the colonists were subjects of the Crown, into a republic, in which they were citizens and participants in the political process.
Expansion of Slavery impacted the lives of already enslaved people, by causing them to continue being abused and held as slaves. The expansion further strengthened the practice of slavery, making it even harder for slaves to escape and causing more people to be enslaved too.
A. flappers
I'm not sure what B refers to but i know C. is referring to the recession and D. refers to woman's suffering.
Yes, if it's a reasonable proposal. Citizens should be able to voice their opinions, for they DO live here.
A feudal System introduced by the Spanish when the conquered South and central America. they placed Spaniards and charge of hundreds of natives and left them tax them or use them as free labor(=slaves) and in return they maintained older and taught them christianity.