Committees of Correspondence
This was their form of communication between the colonies.
Basically just think of a business idea, and say why it is better than another idea, or competitors, be sure to add intro and conclusion.
This will show that your business idea has some competitive advantage.
A new natural gas pipeline being built under the Baltic Sea from Russia directly to the German coast is shaking up geopolitics. Nord Stream 2, as it’s called, worries the bypassed countries in Eastern Europe, who fear losing transit fees, and is adding to friction with the U.S., which argues the link would give the Kremlin new leverage over Germany and other NATO allies. As the project nears completion, those trans-Atlantic tensions are building, with Donald Trump threatening to reduce the number of American troops in Germany partly because of the gas link.
An independent or nonpartisan politician is a politician not affiliated with any political party. There are numerous reasons why someone may stand for office as an independent.
Some politicians have political views that do not align with the platforms of any political party, and therefore choose not to affiliate with them. Some independent politicians may be associated with a party, perhaps as former members of it, or else have views that align with it, but choose not to stand in its name, or are unable to do so because the party in question has selected another candidate. Others may belong to or support a political party at the national level but believe they should not formally represent it (and thus be subject to its policies) at another level.
In running for public office, independents sometimes choose to form a party or alliance with other independents, and may formally register their party or alliance. Even where the word "independent" is used, such alliances have much in common with a political party, especially if there is an organization which needs to approve the "independent" candidates.