This agreement created a conducive condition for the establishment of the League of Nations, the main objective of the U.S. President. Woodrow Wilson. The League of Nations is intended to mediate international conflicts and thereby prevent future wars.
The "Big Four" who negotiated this agreement were Prime Minister David Lloyd George of the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau of France, Vittorio Orlando of Italy, and President Woodrow Wilson of the United States.
<h2>Further Explanation
The League of Nations is an international organization founded after the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, precisely on January 10, 1920. Its main functions include disarming, preventing war through collective security, resolving conflicts between countries through negotiations and diplomacy, and improve global welfare. The idea to establish LBB was sparked by the President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, even though the US himself never joined this organization.
The Irreconcilables were bitter opponents of the Versailles Treaty in the United States in 1919. In particular, this term refers to 12 to 18 US Senators, both Republicans and Democrats, who fought strongly to defeat the ratification of the treaty by the Senate in 1919. They succeeded, and the United States never ratified the Treaty of Versailles and never accompanied the League of Nations. The Republican Party seized control of the United States Senate after the 1918 election, but the Senator was distributed to several offices in the Versailles question.
Isolationism is a foreign policy implemented by leaders who feel that their domestic interests are far more important than their foreign interests. One reason for limiting international involvement is to avoid involvement in dangerous and unwanted conflicts. There are also benefits to withdrawing from international trade agreements or mutual assistance agreements.
Interventionism is the term for a policy of non-defensive (proactive) activity carried out by a nation-state, or smaller or larger geopolitical jurisdictions, to manipulate an economy or society. The most common applications of this term are economic interventionism (the intervention of a country on its own economy), and foreign interventionism (a country's intervention in other countries' problems as part of its foreign policy).
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Treaty of Versailles
League Nations
Class: Middle School
Subject: History
Keyword: Versailles, League Nations, President Wilson