It limited the freedom of nonwhite citizens movement, It also created separate residential and business districts, And lastly It forced the relocation of black residents to rural homelands.
Answer: no tengo una respuesta concreta para clase, pero segun mi opinion habría mucha deforestacion, contaminacion, se podria afectar mucho mas la capa de ozono, entre otras cosas.
Put a system in place that sets the poverty level and anyone under that level can receive aide. Also make sure that the person is providing proof of needs. They should have to prove their income, their bills, their debt, and their need. They need to verify information has not changed after a specific time frame. So they need to be sure that they are monitoring the people who have aide and how they are using it. Like if you were making less than 10,000 a year and now you make 24,000; you would not qualify anymore.
The colonists were unhappy with the way things were going. Each new tax was more of a burden than before and they eventually god fed up with it, which resulted with the Boston Tea Party, and the rest is history.
It gave people the right to elect members of Parliament.
It could not be a democratic republic because regardless of having a Bill of Rights or not, England was a monarchial government. It could not be that the king could pass laws without Parliament’s approval because the Bill of Rights did the exact opposite; it limited the King’s power. It did not allow Roman Catholics to be kings or queens because it was never explicitly stated on the Bill of Rights. It did give the people individual rights, the rights to elect members to Parliament.