atleast how I could see it- is that the more children a family has, a more motherly role is put onto the woman of the household, ending up working more hours at home and such to tend to their families. whilst men work more, hence forth their not home as much or doing outside laboring activities that can count towards this graph. more children, more work with cleaning, caring, etc. etc. :)
B: negotiations for inspection and control of weapons
President John Fitzgerald Kennedy from the quote above is talking about negotiations to inspect and control weapons that's why he called for formulation of serious and workable plans and proposals among countries to control and inspect weapons of destruction.
justify kekwkkwkejfjfjfjjffjfjjf
Information is grouped together by the subject of each amendment.
Humans are naturally good. We just do bad stuff. Being evil is taught, not in nature. No person is born evil. They do evil stuff. Most evil things are done with bad intentions. But people can change. People can change from ‘evil’ to good.