in order for you to have a resume that looks good when you present yourself to an airline for the position, have a second language and first aid training under your belt
Argentina, Uruguay and south of Brazil, the southeast portions of East Asia, the southern United States, South Africa, and eastern Australia
The slave trade ended in 1807.
The correct answer is - industry.
The developing countries are most often occupied with making the economies heavily focused on the industry, so the countries engage into a big industrialization process.
The industries are usually based around manufacturing of the natural resources that the country has, and most often those are the metal ores, the agricultural products, creating materials...
The developing countries usually have a relatively big economic growth, and that is due to the bad economic basis that they had as a starting point.
One way would be to limit who can receive a passport or visa to travel to another country and another would be at the entrance to the country they may not be admitted for example due to inadequate funds to live. In my case, when I travelled by bus from Costa Rica to Panama, the Panamanian authorities required that I either have a ticket out of the country or a return ticket back to San Jose, Costa Rica.