Eiffel Tower in Paris, Great Wall in China, Kremlin in Russia, Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy, Great Pyramid in Egypt, Sydney Opera House in Australia, Statute of Liberty in USA,Taj Mahal in India
President Franklin D. Roosevelt laid his plans aimed to end the Great Depression through The New Deal program. The New Deal is set of laws which will be passed for the first 100 days of his term. This does not include the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Answer: 2) Minimum Gas Mileage for Vehicles
The Elastic Clause gives the Federal Government the flexibility it needs to exercise powers that are not explicitly stated in the Constitution by giving them the power to pass laws that they believe will help them exercise their mandate as the Federal Government.
Seeing as the Constitution already gives the Federal Government the power to approve Foreign treaties as well as oversight over equipment for the Armed forces and powers over the declaration of war, the only law that can be created under the Elastic clause is a Minimum Gas Mileage for Vehicles.
17. Natives & New England colonists, had a relationship consisting of cooperation and conflict regarding trade, land, tolerance. In Pennsylvania, trade was regulated with the natives for multitudes of resources. In Virginia, they weren't accepted / allowed & were geographically, as well as culturally isolated from the English colonists; resulting in several series of battles.
18. All New England colonies shared a common geographical feature; rivers, which provided a form of transportation and trade.