the most common are twisted pair, coaxial, Ethernet cross over, and fiber optic.
The exit function is used to terminate or halt the process.
void exit(int status)
Exit function (exit()) can be used in any function not only main() and it will terminate your whole process.
<u>Example-</u> C Program
#include <stdlib.h>
// function declaration
float exitexample ( float x );
// Driver program
int main( )
float a, b ;
printf ( "\nEnter some number for finding square \n");
scanf ( "%f", &a ) ;
// function call
b = exitexample ( a ) ;
printf ( "\nSquare of the given number %f is %f",a,b );
/*This will not printed as exit function is in exitexample() function*/
float exitexample ( float x ) // function definition
exit(0); //exit function
float p ;
p = x * x ;
return ( p ) ;
implements CSMA/CD over legacy shared half-duplex media; enables IPv4 and IPv6 to utilize the same physical medium; integrates Layer 2 flows between 10 Gigabit Ethernet over fiber and 1 Gigabit Ethernet over copper
I hope it helped . follow me on ig minisized._miyaa
An authentication can be defined as the process of verifying the identity of an individual or electronic device. Authentication work based on the principle (framework) of matching an incoming request from a user or electronic device to a set of uniquely defined credentials.
Basically, authentication ensures a user is truly who he or she claims to be, as well as confirm that an electronic device is valid through the process of verification. Smart cards, digital certificates, picture passwords, and biometrics are generally used to perform an authentication in the field of computer.
Hence, when authenticating a user's password, the password supplied by the user is authenticated by comparing the hash of the password with the one stored on the system.
In Computer science, a hash function can be defined as any function which is used to map data by accepting a block of data with variable length size or arbitrary size as input to produce a fixed size hash values or codes.
Generally, when a block of data (input) of arbitrary size is hashed, the resulting hash values or codes is usually smaller than the input data. Thus, hash functions are considered to be a compression of data and as a result, sometimes called compression functions. Basically, the block size of a hash function typically ranges from 128 bits to 512 bits.
<span>The l</span><span>l command is the commonly predefined alias that is configured to run the ls âl command. The command ls stands for list. So instead of writing list, in Linux you only write the command ls.
The alias are </span>shortcuts and time-savers. By typing ll we'll get the current directory's listing, in long format, including hidden directories.