A. Existed during The same time periods
Agriculture has been the basis of the Mayan economy since pre-Columbian times and corn is its main crop. The Maya also grew cotton, beans (beans or beans), sweet potatoes (sweet potatoes), cassava and cocoa. The techniques of spinning, dyeing and weaving achieved a high degree of perfection. As a unit of change, cocoa beans and copper bells were used, material that was also used for ornamental works, as well as gold, silver, jade, sea shells and colored feathers.
Egyptian agriculture was linked to the flood of the Nile and the silt deposited on the ground, turning it into a green and fertile mantle. They mainly grew cereals (barley, wheat), legumes and vegetables (leeks, lettuce, onions, garlic, cucumbers, radishes, beans, chickpeas) and fruits (melons, grapes, dates, figs). Some invading people brought new species such as apples, olives and pomegranates. In addition, pears, peaches, cherries and almonds appeared during the time of the Greek pharaohs. To make fabrics and ropes, the farmers also cultivated the linen.
The Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded by the Puritans, a religious minority group who migrated to the New World seeking to create a model religious community. They were a group of English Protestants of the late 16th and 17th centuries who regarded the Reformation of the Church of England under Elizabeth as incomplete and sought to simplify and regulate forms of worship.
The correct answer is letter B
The Black Death was a pandemic, that is, the widespread proliferation of a disease caused by the bacillus Yersinia pestis, which occurred in the second half of the 14th century, in Europe. This plague was part of the series of events that contributed to the Crisis of the Lower Middle Ages, such as the peasant revolts, the Hundred Years War and the decline of medieval cavalry.
The Black Death has its origin in the Asian continent, precisely in China. Its arrival in Europe is related to the commercial caravans that came from Asia across the Mediterranean Sea and arrived in European coastal cities, such as Venice and Genoa. It is estimated that about a third of the European population has been decimated because of the plague.
The disease spread, initially, through rats and, mainly, fleas infected with the bacillus, which ended up being transmitted to people when they were bitten by fleas - in whose digestive system the plague bacteria multiplied. At a more advanced stage, the disease began to spread by air, through sneezing and droplets. The precarious conditions of hygiene and housing that medieval towns and villages contributed to the spread of the disease - which offered conditions for the infestation of rats and fleas.
To spread Christianity!!!
The correct answers are:
- Finland;
- Estonia;
- Poland;
With the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Russia, not very pleased with it, had to accept the independence of Finland, while Estonia and Poland were countries that they had to give up to Germany and Austria-Hungary. Not very happy about it, but the Russians were not in a position to keep these territories, as well as few others that they lost, but when the World War II came, they returned to invade this territories again, and in general succeeded.