cause it's on the map,and it is not far away from mexico
Immigrants- people who leave their native country
Emigrants- people who come to live in a new country
Population trend- changes in population over a period of time
Natural increase- the difference between the birth and death rate
Immigration is described as the flow of people from their home country to another.
Emigrants defined as people who leave their own country to settle permanently in another. The reason for the settlement in other country is to get facilities and jobs.
Population trend refers to changes over time and can include changes in population over time.
Natural increase term refers to the difference between the numbers of births and deaths in a population.
The right answer is D.
The Vietnam War occupies a special place in the history of armed conflicts joined by the United States. It was the first war broadcast live on American TV, images were uncensored, and this fact strengthened opposition to the war. The conflict became protracted , US casualties mounted, and to millions of citizens, the purpose of the war was not clear beyond the fact that American troops were fighting against Communists. After the Paris Peace Agreements, the US withdrew most of its forces in 1973. Two years later, Saigon - the capital of US ally Republic of South Vietnam - fell to the Communists from North Vietnam. The ghost of Vietnam has hunted down the USA since then and there has been a controversy about military involvement in conflicts, the public is very sensitive about the loss of American lives.
The Coriolis effect causes winds to move in a "circular" pattern, due mostly to the spinning of Earth on its axis. This allows were certain weather patters to be predictable.