To convert fraction to decimal, divide 3/10, which would give you . 3 which is already a decimal. To convert decimal to percent, multiply by 100 which would give you 30, hence 30%
Your answer is J. because descending means it’s getting smaller
The confidence interval would be (10.44, 12.16). This means that if we take repeated samples, the true mean lies in 90% of these intervals.
To find the confidence interval, we use:

We first find the z-value associated with this. To do this:
Convert 90% to a decimal: 90% = 90/100 = 0.9
Subtract from 1: 1-0.9 = 0.1
Divide by 2: 0.1/2 = 0.05
Subtract from 1: 1-0.05 = 0.95
Using a z-table ( we see that this is directly between two z-scores, 1.64 and 1.65; we will use 1.645:
1 is what percent of 52.6? = 1.9011406844106.
Step-by-step explanation:
urm google it that is what i did