Hitler used economic woes and strife with local jewish buisness, popular social discontent and political discord to take absolute power in Germany beginning in 1933.
be sure to paraphrase
The main appeal for the indenture contract for someone looking for work was that it was short time period compared to the amount of money exchanged. When people started sailing over the "New World", young people who have enough money would ask people or specifically rich families to work for families for no pay.
White merchants, small landowners, and former whigs.
The correct answer is Mexico.
Because of Mexico and their gulf of Mexico, the United States cannot control the entire gulf area. If the area changed hands and went to the United States, they could unite the two gulfs and have a huge control over the land and the ports in the new world. However, that's probably never going to happen so it stays this way for now.
Political cultural and economic gaps