Multiple regression
With regards to the above, multiple regression can be used to determine one educational background, interest and gender so as to see if there is a variation in terms of individual's annual income as it relates to their educational background.
Multiple regression basically is a mathematical model, which is used when one value is matched with two or more variables. Here, the value is a stand alone, which is why we study, while the variables are dependent; hence are factors that required to be checked and why the whole analysis is being conducted.
In the above scenario, the value being represented is 'annual income' which is independent, while educational background, interest and gender are variables which are independent.
One of my most passionate belief is "Fail Better". This is the belief which I developed since childhood, my family kept on saying this me when I was just 10 years old. Since then, It has been deeply rooted and firmly suited in my mind. It has influenced me from my childhood, I never felt hesitated in taking risks, trying new ideas, things and adventures in my whole life. This has definitely impacted the way I think, behave and communicate with others. This belief was then further been transformed and translated into "Fall seven times, Get up eight". I have followed these rules very strongly in my whole life. I have started many small businesses when I was in college, almost I failed in them but I learnt so many things which none could have taught me.