The correct answer is - is not limited to a single distinct image but is more complex.
An epic simile is similar to the regular simile - both of these figures of speech use words such as like or as. However, the difference is that the regular simile is much shorter, whereas an epic simile can refer to a whole stanza within a poem, or to the entire poem itself.
It can get political figures less willing to use money for good. For example, tax money will be used less effectively.
in the middle of the story
Your answer that you are looking for is genes so its a genes
I cannot find my elephant.
He must have run away.
He isn’t on the sofa
where he promised he would stay.
I’ve looked around the living room,
the kitchen and the hall.
My elephant is missing
and I’m not sure who to call.
I’ll need to get a bloodhound
who can track him by his scent,
or hire a house detective
to discover where he went.
He isn’t in the basement
or the attic or the yard.
You’d think, to find an elephant
would not be quite so hard.
Perhaps I’ll make some posters,
and I’ll offer a reward.
I’d make it more, but fifty cents
is all I can afford.
If you should see my elephant,
he answers to “Jerome.”
Please tell him that I miss him
and I wish he’d come back home.
He knows the way. It’s up the street
and down our garden path.
And next time I won’t warn him
when it’s time to take his bath.