This example illustrates the foot-in-the-door technique.
This refers to the fact that if you manage to convince somebody to do a small favor for you, they will be more likely to help you with something more engaging and important as well. As you can see here, Maria helped Nat with one lesson, but then she was more willing to help him with three.
Dr Adams is observing how interactions between parents and teachers develop, therefore this sphere is named "MEsosystem" for it is immediately after the microsystem where children have direct interactions at home.
This means that relationships in this sphere will have a positive or negative impact on development: they involve the links for home and school, between peers and family, and between family and community-
The mesosystem forms a basic chain in Bronfenbrenner’s theory of development, where further systems are at stake.
In a traditional society the past is thought of as a best guide for the present. the traditional society stresses a great deal of importance into its patterned ways of doing things, and on its heroes and heroines and ultimitily is never readier to accept new knowlidge.