The issue of integrity is that the company is ignoring her civil rights as an individual.
In this case, the woman is sexually harassed by a top-level senior executive in a large company. There should be a higher moral standard for the company itself, this executive is going to present an inappropriate image for the company.
The woman can decline the settlement amount and continue with the sexual harassment case or that she can accept the settlement, keep her job. She should not collect the money and continue the case. This will help in putting an end to the act.
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"The Holy War" written by Hugh Hodge is full of many references to war and includes hints as to the author's feelings about the situation. For example, the last line is very telling as to Hodge's opinion. "Here is the God who wept" implies that the creator of the world is weeping at its current state. This God is looking down at the world that is going to war over faith, which God never intended them to do. Hope this helps.
The theme of the novel that this excerpt best address is "Man and the natural world". In other words, how humans can see animals as a terrible monster for their own benefit. In this chapter, in particular, there are some rumors of Moby D. circulating among the whalemen, rumors that tend to put Moby D. as the most terrible monster of them all, capable of maiming and killing anyone, an evil creature (<em>malicious</em>) that will kill if he encounters anyone on his path. Also, Ahab talks about Moby D. as the worst and cruelest monster.
It's important to know that Moby D. is not an ordinary whale, it is very large and strange looking, his whiteness is very particular and the same goes to his jaws that are misshapen. Even if it has these tremendous characteristics its still a whale but in this book it's more like a mystical and fantasy character. It usually hard to find even if it has very clear characteristics.
In the excerpt "<em>monomaniac</em>" means an irrational concern with a single idea or object. We can see this idea reflected on Ahab's behavior as he wants to hunt and kill Moby D. because it would be a symbolic victory against the cruelty of this monster.
The answer to number 6 is B. The next one is B. And the next one is A. And A and B
In each stanza, every other line rhymes (which gives us a Rhyme Scheme of ABAB CDCD EFEF GDGD)