Glycogen is a form of stored carbohydrate in animals.
No. Viruses are not living organisms.
Viruses are not living things. Viruses are complicated assemblies of molecules, including proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates, but on their own they can do nothing until they enter a living cell. Without cells, viruses would not be able to multiply. Therefore, viruses are not living things.
A. behavioral isolation is when the plant or animal acts a particular way to attract their counterparts, like mating rituals.
geographic isolation is the natural barrier preventing similar species from interacting. for example, Galapagos Islands are the only home of flightless cormorants because the islands are so far from any other land for them to invade.
Temporal isolation is when two of the same or similar species cannot reproduce as a result of mismatched sexual maturity.
B. the isolation of two frog species by mating call is behavioral isolation.
Oil is known as Petroleum.