She was scared her parents, her friends, and everyone she loved would get less privileges as a jewish girl. She watched people who were innocent get taken away, and she was told stories by people who escaped the camps what happened there. Although her family around her told her not to, she couldn't help but feel anxious
The poems "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey", "The World Is Too Much with Us”, and “I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud" are representatives of the Romantic Period.
The mentioned poems are about nature's love. They are celebrating power of nature and its beauty. William Wordsworth's best place to be in is nature. In all the three poems, he admires nature and is happy that he has memories to think about nature.
Wordsworth views nature as a foundation of comfort as he says in the poem "Tintern Abbey" that Nature would never betray a heart that would her.
In “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” Wordsworth thinks about his inner feelings and feels comforted in nature by thinking about the times he has spent. This is main feature of a romantic poetry.
In the poem "The World Is Too Much with Us" he mentions that human has now overlooked nature and expresses grief.
<span>Researchers transplanted guppies from pools containing pikeÂcichlid fish (intense guppy predators) to pools containingkillifish (less active predators that prey mainly on juvenile guppies). They then determined whether color patterns in thetransplanted population changed over time.
Researchers hypothesized that predation should result in selection for more drab colors in guppies because guppieswith bright colors are more conspicuous to predators.</span>
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