Bell maintains "the Homestead Act itself was a cause of the Civil War." Prior to the Homestead Act of 1862, the bill President Abraham Lincoln signed into law, four previous homesteading acts had been considered by Congress.
#Carry on learning
Great Britain established Singapore as a colony and took over Burma, France controlled Vietnam, Cambodia, Annam, Tonkin, and Laos.
a constitutional Government is a regime type of government
Nationalism ——> A strong sense of love and devotion toward a nation
Culture ——> all the knowledge and values shared by a society.
Sedition ——> Acts if verbal or physical rebellion against civil authority
Imperialism ——> Policy extending political, economic, or military rule over another
Exploit ——> to selfishly take advantage of a weaker person or nation
Republic ——> A form of government in which representatives are elected to exercise power for citizens