A. leaf to mouse
-Considering the fact that the amount of energy at each trophic level reduces as it moves through an ecosystem from the lowest trophic level which happens to be producers (plants). And about 10 percent of this energy at any trophic level is transferred to the next level since the rest is lost largely through metabolic processes as heat.
-It means that the lower the trophic level the higher the energy obtained, for instance from producers to primary consumers, more energy is passed since it is the first passage of energy.
The right answer is pluripotent
The answer will definitely be B) Compound Light Microscope because other cells can die from the other microscope, and their to powerful, so they can't handle it.
A medida que se desarrollan más técnicas en Biología Celular, conocemos más acerca de los grandes misterios y secretos que encierran las células. Conocer las células vegetales y animales es muy importante para entender el funcionamiento de los seres vivos, entender las enfermedades que sufren, desarrollar técnicas terapéuticas contra estas enfermedades u obtener productos de interés comercial.
En este artículo de Ecología Verde te las explicamos de forma fácil y con esquemas y tablas que ayudan a entenderlo mejor ya estudiar.