True, the Himalayas formed due to continent-continent collision.
Calcrete or Caliche is a type of sedimentary rock often found in arid and semiarid regions. It is composed of calcium carbonate with bits of gravel, clay and silt. It is found in Australia, Kalahari Desert, Sonoran and Mojave desert. Note that caliche does not form through dissolution and reprecipitation of rainwater. Rather, it forms when water from the ground rise above through capillary action, bringing up minerals from the ground into the surface.
F the instructor gives you 5 functions of the liver during a lecture, go out and try to find information about more functions (that the instructor didn't mention or perhaps doesn't know). In the end, you may add two more functions of the liver and in the process remember all of them better.
Summer is hot with temperatures usually ranging from 82-98 Fahrenheit. Winter isn't too cold with temperatures usually ranging from 50-75 Fahrenheit.