A fault line is the landform where a transverse boundary.
EPA stands for Environmental Protection Agency was founded in the year 1970 in the month of December.
EPA’s role in environmental regulation are:
- EPA's role to protect, analyzing, Monitoring the environment.
- Implementation of the environmental law.
- Environmental guidance and plan.
- EPA goal is to improve the environment condition and contribute to making our ecosystems sustainable.
- The EPA controls the distribution, production, processing, and handling of chemicals and pollutants.
- Assuring the Safety of Chemicals so that it does not cause any harm to the environment.
Conical Vent and Fissure Vents
Mid-Ocean Ridges
Composite Typer Volcanic Landforms
Shield Type Volcanic Landforms
The following statements are true:
1) <span>The environment plays a role in where people live.
3) </span><span>Resources are unevenly distributed throughout the world.
4) </span><span>We have enough oil for the next forty years, if its use continues as expected.
Among all the countries that you mentioned, Gabon is the country that receives the most rainfall.